Monday, June 8, 2009

Send Ex A Christmas Card

Our world

Again, this is our world ...

Short: Chicken a la carte for Ferdinand Dimadura

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Price Of Gammaknife In Cardinal Santos

IDYM 2009 Unsung Heroes

International Meeting of the Dominican Youth Movement from 3 to 9 August at Fatima (Portugal).

Monday, May 18, 2009

Scotch In Green Bottle

Diorshow Or Diorshow Unlimited

May The Flaming Time: Preaching in

this May in which the Dominicans celebrate the feast of the Translation of St. Dominic, Convento de San Esteban de Salamanca different spaces dedicated to celebrate and bring the "Dominican" to the city. We have programmed in the "Mayo Dominican" various activities including concerts, open days which show the convent at its common and everyday life, Marian celebrations and celebrations of the Dominican family.

The Time On, the Youth Ministry program of the Convent of San Esteban de Salamanca, wanted to join in these activities and spend his May activity this month to tell what is to be Dominican today.

Recalling the time of the Albigensian innkeeper conversion after a night of dialogue with Santo Domingo, we wanted to acclimate a chat room in which a current dynamic and convey something of the identity and charism of preaching . And we liked and pass from the reality of what the Dominican Family. This

were with us Sister Lola PĂ©rez, prioress of the monastery of Toro, by the sisters of contemplative life, Dionne Yanez as a member of Dominican Youth Movement from the perspective of young Dominicans, and Fr Felix Hernandez from the life of the friars.

began with a montage of images, voices and paint prepared by Fr Felix which outlined the Dominican charism, and we after the space for dialogue in which each of the speakers gave their views on various aspects of Dominican life: common charisma, the peculiarities of each industry, the challenges facing the Dominican Family, the key to preach to our world ...

The project brings the fierce hour trying all year light the fire of life as we get closer, especially young people. Have already been seven editions and will end next June the activities of this course you will have begun to ignite the fire Dominican Salamanca.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Plans To Build Sand Rail

Family Hour May Lit Lit


Thursday May 14, 1921 Hours

Dominicans - St. Esteban


May 24 Dominicans celebrate the feast of the Translation of Santo Domingo, a festival which commemorates the transfer of the saint's remains to the present basilica in Bologna where they lay. It's a family party, and following which the Monastery of San Esteban of the Dominicans of Salamanca, dedicated the entire month of May to celebrate and bring the "Dominican" to the city. We have programmed in the "Mayo Dominican" various activities including concerts, open days which show the convent at its common and everyday life, Marian celebrations and celebrations of the Dominican family.

Es así pues que este mes La Hora Encendida quiere unirse a la celebración dominicana y quiere dedicarse a contar qué es ser dominico hoy . El próximo jueves 14 de mayo de 2009 a las nueve de la noche, en el Aula Magna del Convento de San Esteban , los dominicos de Salamanca os invitamos pues a encender vuestra vida con nosotros y a que nos conozcáis un poco más.

Entre los momentos de la vida de Santo Domingo más significativos, se encuentra la primera de las conversiones que logró entre la inhumana herejía de los albigenses, en el sur de Francia, durante una embajada diplomática de which our Holy part. Spent a night in a wayside inn, and make conversation with the innkeeper, he discovered he was a member of the Albigensian heresy. They began to talk and talk and there in the tavern, spent the whole night talking until dawn, and when he played continue their journey, the bartender turned and left the heresy. For young people in the Order, is a common image, we know night bars, we know that bar gatherings and conversations are privileged spaces at night to talk about God, we know that preach have to go where people and not wait to get them to us. And the Dominicans We preachers. We were born to preach the kingdom of God, to preach Jesus to our world.

Well, that image around the inn's bar then and today, we start by presenting life what being a Dominican today, how to preach to the world today. We have prepared just that, a gathering of bar to talk about the Dominican and preaching. To do this we will have three members of the Dominican family, a monk who is dedicated to the art world, a cloistered nun and a member of the Youth Movement, which will tell us what being a Dominican today, what is preached.

The project of the fierce hour, as you know is the draft Pastoral Juvenil San Esteban Convent of the Dominicans for the course 2008-2009, and is a month activity where it is present to different people and different to give different perspectives of that being a Christian: among the marginalized in the world of culture, religious life, art, etc. and with that in mind try to offer different experiences of faith through culture and commitment.

is to the fierce hour once a month spend an hour on the fire of our life. Turn on life with the fire of God, keep the flame of light from a real life, feeding heat that burns inside, fanning the passion of dreams of a better world for all, to enter fully into this world to turn it with the energy of hope, youth, joy and compassion ... wants Flaming Hour set fire to life ...

"The story goes that one day a young monk went to his abbot, because although they comply with all standards, his life did not quite be what he wanted. "Father asked What should I do?". The old abbot stood up, raised his hands toward heaven, and his fingers became ten flaming torches. Then he said: Why do not you become fire? "

Encourage them to come, and tell someone who may be interested.

Greetings to all.

Child Vicente Orti, OP

Monday, May 4, 2009

Me And A Swollen Knee In Pregnancy

The Next Time

May 14 May in the Dominican

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lgb Trainsnot Working Help

Earth Hour

March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm local time, WWF, the global conservation organization in the United States known as World Wildlife Fund, asks individuals, corporations, governments and organizations around the world to turn off their lights for one hour, the Earth Hour, to demonstrate their concern about climate change and demonstrate their commitment to finding solutions. Turn off the light. Acts.

Importance climate change

Climate change is impossible to hide and be impossible to ignore. The 10 warmest years on record which have occurred since 1990. The ice in the Arctic has fallen to its lowest level and one study suggests that two thirds of the polar bear population will disappear by 2050.

addition to polar bears and ice sheets, something else is at risk - climate change threatens all life on our planet. Climate change is the number one problem facing the environment in the XXI century. The United States is a major contributor of greenhouse gases, with carbon dioxide emissions, representing nearly five times the world average emissions.

The good news is that we can still stop climate change before it is too dangerous to handle. The tools to keep climate change under control are available and affordable. Through WWF's key initiatives to mobilize people, businesses and leaders responsible alternatives to around energy and environment, while improving the abilities of ecosystems to resist and recover from environmental stress caused by climate change, and increases the protection of forests.

WWF works to shape norms through Science, reduce carbon-based forestry programs, developing and implementing adaptation plans for high-risk ecosystems and help companies reduce their carbon emissions.

If you wonder "what I can do right now in my house or my community, to make a difference? There are many avenues open for everyone to change their patterns of energy use, influence others to do likewise and make a difference politically. You can measure and reduce your carbon footprint, joining a global movement and register for Earth Hour. Learn more and raise your voice by joining our Action Network Conservation

Source: WWF-Adena

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pinnacle Pctv 150e 55e Works With Cable Box

The Next Time The Next Time

Us Tomorrow:
Alfonso Falero Folgoso

  • degree in Philosophy from the University of Granada
  • Ph.D. studies specialist at the University Kokugakuin Shinto (Japan)
  • Associate Professor of English Language . Public University Tokyo Noko Daigaku / Tokai University (Japan) from 1995 to 1998.
  • currently Professor of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Salamanca

D. Takizawa Ozami

  • PhD in History from the University Complutense of Madrid with the thesis "The History of European missionaries in Japan in the XVI and XVII Centuries"
  • Professor of Japanese at the School of Arts of the Autonomous University of Madrid from 2003 to 2008.
  • currently professor of Japanese Japanese Hispanic Cultural Center of the University of Salamanca.

Jose Manuel de Vera, SJ

  • Degree in Philosophy and Theology
  • Degree in Journalism from the University of Michigan (USA)
  • Catholic Priest, Father of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit)
  • resided and worked in Japan 40 years (from 1954 to 1994) and then was assigned to Rome at the General Curia of the Company, which has spent 15 years in the Information Office.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hiking Travel Camera Case

Lit Lit Lit

"East and West: Meeting
Symposium between Japan and Spain

In collaboration with the Hispanic Cultural Center Japanese, the month of March the fierce hour commitment to multiculturalism. Next Thursday, 12 March 2009 nine in the evening at the Aula Magna of the Convento de San Esteban , the Dominicans of Salamanca we invite you to turn your life with us.

That the world is shrinking is a reality assumed and lived by the young people of our world. Communication and information, migration flows and a growing intellectual curiosity so that it falls outside of one's own cultural borders, are hallmarks of our world.

Specifically, the Far East increasingly awakened their importance and presence in our lives, that is why Flaming Hour wanted to return his gaze to that reality, directing our eyes to the exciting Japan.

Japan is a nation of contrasts and wealth. Tradition and modernity, economic development and social issues, history and culture, and especially its immense spiritual and cultural wealth, make it a highly attractive country.

So the hour on offers you a conversation between the reality of Japan and the reality of Spain, a meeting of Lives between East and West. We lead a meeting of cultures and spiritualities, a human encounter, an encounter religious and transcendent. A meeting on the other hand comes from old. And is that the presence of Christianity in Japan came from here, St. Francis Xavier, the Jesuits opened the way for many others, also Dominicans, work and preach there, causing over the troubled history , it was giving a richness and diversity of their religions, who arrives today.

We will have to do with two professors from the University of Salamanca linked to the Hispanic Cultural Center Japanese, English professor expert in religions of Japan and a Japanese professor who works and teaches in our city. Alongside them we are also try to bring the vision of someone who has worked there since the framework of the Christian faith.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Free Camera Mate Program

Our last time

Estimate To Fix Windshield Wiper Motor

Cartel Horadanza

Constantly Nauseous In My Pregnancy


Thursday February 12, 1922 Hours

Dominicans - St. Stephen

A Contemplative Dance Experience and Bio-Dance

February Glows Hour wants to be different. next Thursday February 12, 2009 to ten in the evening at the Aula Magna of the Convent of San Esteban of the Dominicans of Salamanca, we will have a different experience of prayer.

The believer's heart is in its relationship with God, but if the man is not only mind or just voice, why we pray only use these two faculties? The man's body and the body are also praying. The Church Fathers knew this, and also our great mystics. The modes of worship of Santo Domingo de Guzman, San Ignacio de Loyola, San Juan de la Cruz ... they knew that the body also praises God and is also a means of communication with the source of Life.

is why we dedicate LHE February of this, to learn more about how the body is a way of prayer. And what we do with the fairest way to use the body: dance. To do come to us three members of the "Biodanza Ya!" Engaged in the practice, teaching and dissemination of the Bio-Dance, a dance that allows to know and develop the potential of each person performing , making for a fun, group, and vital, connecting the most important thing you have, its interiority, and the latter as a way of prayer to God.

You know that the draft Hour On, is a project of Youth Ministry of St. Stephen's Convent of the Dominicans for the course 2008-2009, and that is a month activity where it is present very diverse and different people give different perspectives on that which is being Christian among the marginalized in the world of culture, religious life, art, etc. and with that in mind try to offer different experiences of faith through culture and commitment.

is with the fierce hour once a month spend an hour on the fire of our life. Turn life with the fire of God , keep the flame of light from a real life, feeding the heat that burns inside, fanning the passion of dreams of a better world for all, to enter fully into this world to turn it with the energy of hope, youth, joy and compassion ... Flaming Hour wants to set fire to life ...

"The story goes that one day a young monk went to his abbot, because although they comply with all rules, your life is not finished be what he wanted. "Father asked What should I do?". The old abbot stood up, raised his hands toward heaven, and his fingers became ten torches flaming. Then he said: Why do not you become fire? "

Encourage them to come and notice-perhaps as simple as -mail forwarding this to all your acquaintances.

Greetings to all ... Child

Vicente Orti, OP

Saturday, January 31, 2009

String Of Pitare Lights

the fierce hour.

Sixto-J.-Castro Yes, clear, why would not he write a comment about "Time on" . Yesterday being started San Esteban de Salamanca, in the magnificent setting of the new chapter, expounding on the topic interesting and dense, "which depicts God in college." Indeed, all participants were "friends" of course, not going to ride a circus of those on TV where people are screaming, not listening and above the mother to lie to you when you do not share or is not able to follow development of an argument. What is striking is therefore not know whether what was said (I do not know what I said, and that by wearing a sheet if I asked any of the information learned), which was hard and good, but the structure, shape, possibility that opens a discussion in which people come to the heart convent ... in which we discuss and talk and, above all, listen. One of the stereotyped images that people have out there is that of the monasteries. Then we, priests, nuns and fellow beings, better not talk. And we live just as well, with an image that "it" has given us, "is" transmitted (as the memes of Dawkins, beautiful hypothesis without any scientific basis and that some swallowed as a science, whatever) and so we saves spending gray matter, gives us the existence and, incidentally, allows us to dismiss as ignorant, in Machado famously. The Dominicans are not monks (though that term has been popularized in some media communication), so that the closure should be a kind of opening that fly-tie me by the tail, but surely someone will understand what I mean: Time explains clearly lit. Thanks for having endured my rolls.

Sixto Castro.

To Hear

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fiftieth Birthday Save The Date

Two Videos to Change the World

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Were To Buy Mac Full Cover

Obama, deliver me from the pain in my stomach.

Obama, say they'll change the world. Do me a favor, come and change my life personally. Come to Israel, delivered from control other people. Come and forcing us to do what is clear, and written, appropriate and necessary. Come and get us out of the occupied territories. Do not have to get up early in the morning. I hate getting up early to go to the checkpoints to see and to mourn. So do not need to see children of 19 years who have been persuaded to believe who are defending their country pointing their rifles at children of 5 years. Make it so that when my daughters spend half an hour in the shower, I do not have to think about families bringing water from distant sources donkeys, in bottles of Coca Cola. Make it so that when you're in line at the supermarket, do not have to think about the amount of people waiting in line at the controls, inside and outside the cities, going to school, when they visit their families for go to hospital or to work. Make it so that when my sister runs the hospital to give birth, and when I take my husband to the hospital, virtually cetelleando red lights, do not have to think about giving women light, heart patients and injured people being transported in an ambulance without a permit, a second ambulance with a permit. Make it so that when you see a soldier in uniform on the street do not ask me what he did last night. Which came home brandishing his weapon, what boy work over in the streets of Hawara, that evil smile. Make it so that in the morning does not hear the satisfaction in the voice of the announcer on the radio news, which reports that the army has killed six terrorists.

Six people without name, without mothers. Obama, this fall did not go to the olive harvest to help the Palestinians. Did not work out. So please do not have to suffer my conscience because I'm not doing enough. To be living my life, continuing my career, while for other people, just get home safe and sound, is a career in itself. Please save me from this pain I feel all the time, deep in the belly. Never stops, I can never really enjoy life, children, friends or work, because my mind is preoccupied with the image of the boy bound and blinded, and 3 year old girl hit her head rotating over the control, and barriers of dirt and concrete blocks that prevent many people's lives to be normal. Come on, Obama, come and save us from ourselves. And if that is what mean when they say they are no friend of Israel, then, do not be a friend. We have friends that we are equipped with weapons and justify all the horror it causes, and save us from international tribunals. Be truly a friend indeed. Save us from ourselves. And do not do it for the world, do it just for me, so you can have peace. You owe me. I do not believe in God, but still, I prayed for you. I wrote this letter the day you were elected, before Israel attacked the Gaza Strip. Before the Israeli media were entranced as they watched flames Gaza.

This letter was written by an Israeli woman, a member of Machsom Watch a voluntary Israeli women's movement, founded in 2001, dedicated to monitor and denounce human rights violations in the control of the West Bank and Jerusalem. Meets Israeli women united in their opposition to the occupation and its commitment to human rights.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can You Put Hot Liquid In A Cooler

What God looks at the university? Merry Christmas

With the new year comes in January and in January reached a new hour on. next Thursday January 29th, 2009 at ten o'clock at night, in the Aula Magna of the Convent of San Esteban , the Dominicans of Salamanca we invite you to turn your life with us.

To the fierce hour January we prepared for the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, the feast of the University, open discussion around the question "What God looks at the university?"

We will have four members of the university community , teachers and students, who will begin debating the subject for give way and open the debate to all that there are.

The university has always been a place of reflection and debate, space for opinion and discussion arena. St. Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican friar who was both student and teacher, was always model dialogue and rigor in their thinking. The Dominicans have always wanted to be faithful to that legacy of one of our most significant brothers, and we have always wanted to join the intellectual rigor in the studio with the ability to listen and discover the truth wherever you are. With this idea, we raise the question of God in the University.

And is that because of buses and marketing campaigns, it seems that the theme of God returns to public . Again, debate on the existence and likely again on what is and what it means to God. And we are convinced that the University can not be excluded from this debate, therefore, in one day is designated as the Feast of the University, and from these coordinates, we wanted to dedicate the hour on January to discuss this.