Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hiking Travel Camera Case

Lit Lit Lit

"East and West: Meeting
Symposium between Japan and Spain

In collaboration with the Hispanic Cultural Center Japanese, the month of March the fierce hour commitment to multiculturalism. Next Thursday, 12 March 2009 nine in the evening at the Aula Magna of the Convento de San Esteban , the Dominicans of Salamanca we invite you to turn your life with us.

That the world is shrinking is a reality assumed and lived by the young people of our world. Communication and information, migration flows and a growing intellectual curiosity so that it falls outside of one's own cultural borders, are hallmarks of our world.

Specifically, the Far East increasingly awakened their importance and presence in our lives, that is why Flaming Hour wanted to return his gaze to that reality, directing our eyes to the exciting Japan.

Japan is a nation of contrasts and wealth. Tradition and modernity, economic development and social issues, history and culture, and especially its immense spiritual and cultural wealth, make it a highly attractive country.

So the hour on offers you a conversation between the reality of Japan and the reality of Spain, a meeting of Lives between East and West. We lead a meeting of cultures and spiritualities, a human encounter, an encounter religious and transcendent. A meeting on the other hand comes from old. And is that the presence of Christianity in Japan came from here, St. Francis Xavier, the Jesuits opened the way for many others, also Dominicans, work and preach there, causing over the troubled history , it was giving a richness and diversity of their religions, who arrives today.

We will have to do with two professors from the University of Salamanca linked to the Hispanic Cultural Center Japanese, English professor expert in religions of Japan and a Japanese professor who works and teaches in our city. Alongside them we are also try to bring the vision of someone who has worked there since the framework of the Christian faith.


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