Thursday May 14, 1921 Hours
Dominicans - St. Esteban
May 24 Dominicans celebrate the feast of the Translation of Santo Domingo, a festival which commemorates the transfer of the saint's remains to the present basilica in Bologna where they lay. It's a family party, and following which the Monastery of San Esteban of the Dominicans of Salamanca, dedicated the entire month of May to celebrate and bring the "Dominican" to the city. We have programmed in the "Mayo Dominican" various activities including concerts, open days which show the convent at its common and everyday life, Marian celebrations and celebrations of the Dominican family.
Es así pues que este mes La Hora Encendida quiere unirse a la celebración dominicana y quiere dedicarse a contar qué es ser dominico hoy . El próximo jueves 14 de mayo de 2009 a las nueve de la noche, en el Aula Magna del Convento de San Esteban , los dominicos de Salamanca os invitamos pues a encender vuestra vida con nosotros y a que nos conozcáis un poco más.
Entre los momentos de la vida de Santo Domingo más significativos, se encuentra la primera de las conversiones que logró entre la inhumana herejía de los albigenses, en el sur de Francia, durante una embajada diplomática de which our Holy part. Spent a night in a wayside inn, and make conversation with the innkeeper, he discovered he was a member of the Albigensian heresy. They began to talk and talk and there in the tavern, spent the whole night talking until dawn, and when he played continue their journey, the bartender turned and left the heresy. For young people in the Order, is a common image, we know night bars, we know that bar gatherings and conversations are privileged spaces at night to talk about God, we know that preach have to go where people and not wait to get them to us. And the Dominicans We preachers. We were born to preach the kingdom of God, to preach Jesus to our world.
Well, that image around the inn's bar then and today, we start by presenting life what being a Dominican today, how to preach to the world today. We have prepared just that, a gathering of bar to talk about the Dominican and preaching. To do this we will have three members of the Dominican family, a monk who is dedicated to the art world, a cloistered nun and a member of the Youth Movement, which will tell us what being a Dominican today, what is preached.
The project of the fierce hour http://horaencendida.blogspot.com, as you know is the draft Pastoral Juvenil San Esteban Convent of the Dominicans for the course 2008-2009, and is a month activity where it is present to different people and different to give different perspectives of that being a Christian: among the marginalized in the world of culture, religious life, art, etc. and with that in mind try to offer different experiences of faith through culture and commitment.
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"The story goes that one day a young monk went to his abbot, because although they comply with all standards, his life did not quite be what he wanted. "Father asked What should I do?". The old abbot stood up, raised his hands toward heaven, and his fingers became ten flaming torches. Then he said: Why do not you become fire? "
Encourage them to come, and tell someone who may be interested.
Greetings to all.
Child Vicente Orti, OP
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