Yes, clear, why would not he write a comment about "Time on" . Yesterday being started San Esteban de Salamanca, in the magnificent setting of the new chapter, expounding on the topic interesting and dense, "which depicts God in college." Indeed, all participants were "friends" of course, not going to ride a circus of those on TV where people are screaming, not listening and above the mother to lie to you when you do not share or is not able to follow development of an argument. What is striking is therefore not know whether what was said (I do not know what I said, and that by wearing a sheet if I asked any of the information learned), which was hard and good, but the structure, shape, possibility that opens a discussion in which people come to the heart convent ... in which we discuss and talk and, above all, listen. One of the stereotyped images that people have out there is that of the monasteries. Then we, priests, nuns and fellow beings, better not talk. And we live just as well, with an image that "it" has given us, "is" transmitted (as the memes of Dawkins, beautiful hypothesis without any scientific basis and that some swallowed as a science, whatever) and so we saves spending gray matter, gives us the existence and, incidentally, allows us to dismiss as ignorant, in Machado famously. The Dominicans are not monks (though that term has been popularized in some media communication), so that the closure should be a kind of opening that fly-tie me by the tail, but surely someone will understand what I mean: Time explains clearly lit. Thanks for having endured my rolls.
Sixto Castro.
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