Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Howlong To Get Omeprazole Out Of Your System

In a Life Time. Videoclip

ranahora exhaustion is not life in an hour, let least pretend that one hour is sufficient for the world to change, it is only uncover the strength, the possibility the magic of a time when it seems that suddenly awakens within us a deep desire to do something because the world changes. It may seem banal claim that you want to change a world condemned by many to failure, failure that otherwise refuse to accept. Disclaimer

rooted in the profound conviction of knowing that we live in a world "inhabited" by us, of course, but also by God. Again God, say some, and we, yes, God yes, we can not deny it, we see him smiling and singing in men and women from small, normal, do you walk through neighborhoods and cities, calling to life, beating to death, calling for "love of scars" and singing a thousand and Lucia live under the bridges of the world. Musical lettering all protests and singing all the injustices, with the power of music to tell the truth and move hearts. You must be crazy some might say. But Is not love insane?, Is not madness a hug? Yes, God yes, at all hours and in this. Lester

Rafael Díaz Zayas.


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