Saturday, February 7, 2009

Free Camera Mate Program

Our last time

Estimate To Fix Windshield Wiper Motor

Cartel Horadanza

Constantly Nauseous In My Pregnancy


Thursday February 12, 1922 Hours

Dominicans - St. Stephen

A Contemplative Dance Experience and Bio-Dance

February Glows Hour wants to be different. next Thursday February 12, 2009 to ten in the evening at the Aula Magna of the Convent of San Esteban of the Dominicans of Salamanca, we will have a different experience of prayer.

The believer's heart is in its relationship with God, but if the man is not only mind or just voice, why we pray only use these two faculties? The man's body and the body are also praying. The Church Fathers knew this, and also our great mystics. The modes of worship of Santo Domingo de Guzman, San Ignacio de Loyola, San Juan de la Cruz ... they knew that the body also praises God and is also a means of communication with the source of Life.

is why we dedicate LHE February of this, to learn more about how the body is a way of prayer. And what we do with the fairest way to use the body: dance. To do come to us three members of the "Biodanza Ya!" Engaged in the practice, teaching and dissemination of the Bio-Dance, a dance that allows to know and develop the potential of each person performing , making for a fun, group, and vital, connecting the most important thing you have, its interiority, and the latter as a way of prayer to God.

You know that the draft Hour On, is a project of Youth Ministry of St. Stephen's Convent of the Dominicans for the course 2008-2009, and that is a month activity where it is present very diverse and different people give different perspectives on that which is being Christian among the marginalized in the world of culture, religious life, art, etc. and with that in mind try to offer different experiences of faith through culture and commitment.

is with the fierce hour once a month spend an hour on the fire of our life. Turn life with the fire of God , keep the flame of light from a real life, feeding the heat that burns inside, fanning the passion of dreams of a better world for all, to enter fully into this world to turn it with the energy of hope, youth, joy and compassion ... Flaming Hour wants to set fire to life ...

"The story goes that one day a young monk went to his abbot, because although they comply with all rules, your life is not finished be what he wanted. "Father asked What should I do?". The old abbot stood up, raised his hands toward heaven, and his fingers became ten torches flaming. Then he said: Why do not you become fire? "

Encourage them to come and notice-perhaps as simple as -mail forwarding this to all your acquaintances.

Greetings to all ... Child

Vicente Orti, OP